Getting StartedI could see her watching me get settled as I centered myself on the towel. I closed my eyes again and tried to forget all about Susan being less than 3 feet away from me, watching my every move. I spread my legs apart, comfortably positioned my testicles and positioned my right hand to jerk off. She had gotten me hard as a rock. Then the familiar feeling as my fingers encircled. He didn’t like the idea of telling someone that they didn’t have a job. Frowning, he said, “I’m not sure I can do it.”“That’s the price you have to pay in order to be successful,” Rob said, “Now get out of your smock and into your chef’s apron. You’ve got to get in that kitchen and help Jimmy.”Dan had only had to help out in the kitchen during the rush times. Entering the kitchen earlier than usual, he discovered that the job had dimensions that he hadn’t thought about. Jimmy had piles of food. So.... half of you are probably thinking 'How can anyone that rich be that stupid?' And the other half are probably asking yourself, 'How can anyone that stupid be that lucky.'"He looked out over the crowd and made a hand gesture pointing to several of the tables in the front. "I am here tonight because of these people," he continued. "I did something extremely stupid and extremely dangerous. I didn't know how stupid it was until my go-anywhere-at- anytime all wheel drive SUV bogged down in.Read More